
Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry self-test # 9

Comprises Chapter 9

This is a self grading test of your knowledge. It consists of 20 randomly chosen questions with single or multiple answers. The questions with single answers have round buttons and the questions with perhaps more than one correct answer have square buttons. Answer the questions by clicking on the corresponding button in the list of alternative answers. On questions with a single answer (round buttons to click on), it is only possible to mark one of the alternative answers as correct.
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Please observe that your teacher may require a deeper understanding of the treated subject than reflected by this test. In case you have any valuable comments or questions regarding this self-test, explain them in an e-mail to: jol@nc.chalmers.se 

Question # 1 (One answer) The organic phase used in liquid-liquid extraction usually consists of a diluent and

    A) a D-value
    B) a detergent
    C) a fluoro carbon compound
    D) an extractant
    E) a flame supressor

Question # 2 (One or more answers) Which of the following requirements are valid for a pure singly labeled compound?

    A) It may only contain one chemical compound
    B) It may only contain one kind or radioactive atoms
    C) Its radiation must not spread outside the container
    D) It may only contain one labeled compound
    E) It may only contain radioactive atoms

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Question # 3 (One or more answers) 99mTc is often used as tracer in

    A) food irradiation processes
    B) sterilization of male rats
    C) excitation of fire flies
    D) diagnosis of brain hemorrhage
    E) production of pure natural products

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Question # 4 (One answer) Adsorption of cations at trace levels follows one of the following rules. Which one?

    A) M+ = M2+ = M3+ = M4+ 
    B) M+ > M2+ > M3+ > M4+ 
    C) M4+ > M3+ > M2+ > M+ 
    D) M4+ < M2+ < M3+ < M+ 
    E) M+ < M3+ < M2+ < M4+ 

Question # 5 (One or more answers) Which of the following assumptions are made in the use of radioactive tracers?

    A) The emitted radiation is no immediate threat to the environment
    B) Isotopic atoms of an element have chemical bonds with the same properties
    C) Radioactive decay of the tracer doesn't lead to the formation of new types of molecules
    D) The stability of an isotope of any element does not affect its chemical properties
    E) The decay of the radionuclide during its use is negligible

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Question # 6 (Yes/No) Is it possible to use the solubility product to predict the behavior of radionuclides at trace concentrations?

    A) Yes
    B) No

Question # 7 (One answer) Exchange of atoms between a radioisotope and a stable isotope of an element is called

    A) Nuclide exchange
    B) Radioactive exchange
    C) Isobaric exchange
    D) Isotopic exchange
    E) Ion exchange

Question # 8 (One answer) When does the precipitation of a micro component follow the law of Bethelot-Nernst?

    A) Always
    B) Never
    C) When the precipitation is slow
    D) When the precipitation is rapid
    E) When the precipitation is good

Question # 9 (One or more answers) Radionuclides are sometimes used in the chemical process industry for

    A) splurisation of fatilars
    B) measurement of residence times
    C) determination of the capital cost
    D) studies of mixing
    E) process control

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Question # 10 (One answer) Which of the following radionuclides is used instead of surgery for treatment of thyreotoxicos (Graves sickness)

    A)  3H
    B)  99Tc
    C)  131I
    D)  137mBa
    E)  238Pu

Question # 11 (One answer) Irradiation of a sample and a standard (e.g. with neutrons) followed by measurements of the activities and aiming at a determination of the amount of an element (which is present in both sample and standard) is called

    A) Auto radiometry
    B) Activation analysis
    C) Isotope dilution analysis
    D) Radiometric analysis
    E) Inductive testing

Question # 12 (One or more answers) Which of the following separation methods also work at trace levels of a compound?

    A) Sieving
    B) Electrolysis
    C) Distillation
    D) Ion exchange
    E) Liquid-liquid extraction

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Question # 13 (One answer) Radioimmunnoassay is a method used to measure

    A) the flow velocity in hospital sewers
    B) the age distribution of micro organisms
    C) the concentration of a protein
    D) the size of an antibody
    E) radiation absorption in blood samples

Question # 14 (One answer) A logarithmic distribution coefficient applies when the precipitation follows the

    A) Guldberg-Vaage law
    B) Bethelot-Nernst law
    C) Uncertainty law
    D) Doerner-Hoskins law
    E) Fajans law

Question # 15 (One or more answers) Using radionuclides in isotopic dilution analysis has one or more of the following advantages. Which?

    A) There is no need to determine specific activities
    B) The measured count rate, e.g. in cpm, can often be used instead of the real disintegration rate
    C) Quantitative separations are not required
    D) There is never a need to correct for radioactive decay
    E) No corrections for mother-daughter equilibria are needed

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Question # 16 (One or more answers) Several types of activation analysis are in use, each having its own name. Which of the following abbreviations refer to some kind of activation analysis?

    A) DNA
    B) INAA
    C) NAA
    D) RNA
    E) RNAA

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Question # 17 (One answer) Sometimes one or more inactive isotopes of an element are added to a solution containing a radioisotope of the same element in order to decrease adsorption effects. The added inactive material is called a

    A) flyer
    B) counter agent
    C) carrier
    D) barrier
    E) pilot substance

Question # 18 (One answer) The substoichiometric principle is based on

    A) partial molecular modelling
    B) the anisotropic behaviour of radiation
    C) indirect measurements of specific activity
    D) reactions who violate the law of mass action
    E) allergic reactions to radionuclides

Question # 19 (One answer) Sometimes a radionuclide is added to a solution which is then titrated with a precipitating agent. Equal samples are withdrawn after each addition, filtered and measured. From added volumes and measured activities it is then possible to draw a titration curve which shows the equivalence point. This method is called

    A) activation analysis
    B) isotope separation analysis
    C) isotopic dilution analysis
    D) radiometric analysis
    E) nuclide titration

Question # 20 (One answer) The rule of Paneth and Fajans predicts that a micro component

    A) does not coprecipitate with a macro component when both form an insoluble compound with the counter ion
    B) coprecipitates with a macro component when both form an insoluble compound with the counter ion
    C) always coprecipitates with a macro component
    D) never coprecipitates with a macro component
    E) always coprecipitates with a completely soluble and isotopic macro component

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(Updated 2001-08-22)