
Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry self-test # 16

Comprises Chapter 16

This is a self grading test of your knowledge. It consists of 20 randomly chosen questions with single or multiple answers. The questions with single answers have round buttons and the questions with perhaps more than one correct answer have square buttons. Answer the questions by clicking on the corresponding button in the list of alternative answers. On questions with a single answer (round buttons to click on), it is only possible to mark one of the alternative answers as correct.
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Correct answers can be read by clicking on the button having the same number as the question. You find these buttons at the end of the test. You can also refresh your memory first by jumping directly to the answer buttons and click on them to get answers and read relevant parts of the book before doing this test.
On the questions with one or more possible answers (squares to click on) only the first click on each button is recorded as an answer. Hence you must click on the reset button below the question before you can change the original answer(s). Failure to do this will probably make the answers on this question regarded as wrong in the grading process.
Please observe that your teacher may require a deeper understanding of the treated subject than reflected by this test. In case you have any valuable comments or questions regarding this self-test, explain them in an e-mail to: jol@nc.chalmers.se 

Question # 1 (Answers in Tabular form) Mark in the Table below the most common oxidation state of each actinide in an aerated acidic aqueous solution.

Element 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+

Question # 2 (One answer) In the first production of Pu, U was used as target in a nuclear reaction. Which of the following ones was that?

    A) an (a,n) reaction
    B) a (d,2n) reaction
    C) a (p,3n) reaction
    D) an (
    a,f) reaction
    E) a (
    g,p) reaction

Question # 3 (One answer) New isotopes of the heaviest elements have most often been identified by

    A) having a very short half-life
    B) their
    a-decay to known nuclides
    C) the emission of characteristic x-rays
    D) the color of their 3+ ions
    E) their decay via electron capture

Question # 4 (One or more answers) 247Cm is more stable (has a longer half-life) than 243Am. This can be explained as being due to the fact that 247Cm

    A) doesn't decay via EC
    B) has a lower Q
    a than 243Am
    C) is nearer to the magic neutron number 152
    D) has more protons in the nucleus than 243Am
    E) is nearer to the magic proton number 82 than 243Am

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Question # 5 (One answer) The amount of Np in one kg of spent nuclear power reactor fuel is one year after removal from the reactor roughly

    A) 5 mg
    B) 50 mg
    C) 500 mg
    D) 5000 mg
    E) 50000 mg

Question # 6 (One answer) In the first chemical identification of new actinide elements an elution from a cation exchanger by an ammonium salt was used. The important anion in this process came from one of the following common chemicals. Which one?

    A) a-hydroxy iso-butyric acid
    B) acetic acid
    C) EDTA
    D) mono chloro acetic acid
    E) HDEHP

Question # 7 (One answer) Which one of the following Pu isotopes has the longest half-life?

    A) 240Pu
    B) 241Pu
    C) 242Pu
    D) 243Pu
    E) 244Pu

Question # 8 (One answer) Seaborgium has the atomic number

    A) 102
    B) 104
    C) 106
    D) 108
    E) 110

Question # 9 (One answer) Which was the first discovered transuranium element?

    A) Np
    B) Pu
    C) Am
    D) Cm
    E) Bk

Question # 10 (One answer) The heaviest element that could be identified in the residues from the first hydrogen bomb test had an atomic number of

    A) 89
    B) 98
    C) 99
    D) 100
    E) 101

Question # 11 (One answer) Some actinide ions can disproportionate, which means that

    A) the ions reduces themselves
    B) two ions oxidize each other
    C) a pair of ions convert to a higher and a lower oxidation state
    D) their shape changes from cubic to spherical symmetry
    E) they cause a strong shift in the redox potential

Question # 12 (One answer) How many elements in the actinide series have been named after persons

    A) 3
    B) 4
    C) 5
    D) 6
    E) 7

Question # 13 (One answer) What happens to the ionic radius when an actinide ion is oxidized from 3+ to 4+?

    A) It decreases a little
    B) Nothing
    C) It increases a little

Question # 14 (One answer) The name of element 100 is

    A) Americium
    B) Berkelium
    C) Californium
    D) Fermium
    E) Nobelium

Question # 15 (One answer) When the atomic number increases in the actinides series

    A) the radius of their 3+ ions normally increases
    B) the electrons in their electron shell becomes fewer and fewer
    C) the initially pin-shaped "-yl" ions become bent
    D) the radius of their 3+ ions normally decreases
    E) the color of all their ions becomes stronger

Question # 16 (One answer) The most long-lived neptunium isotope is

    A) 235Np
    B) 236Np
    C) 237Np
    D) 238Np
    E) 239Np

Question # 17 (One answer) The actinide series arises because the electrons in elements after Pa normally enter into

    A) a14-orbitals
    B) 4d-orbitals
    C) 5s-orbitals
    D) 5p-orbitals
    E) 5f-orbitals

Question # 18 (One answer) Which of the following elements can under some special conditions occur as a stable mixture with appreciable concentrations of all the valence states III, IV, V and VI present in the same solution?

    A) Pa
    B) U
    C) Np
    D) Pu
    E) Am

Question # 19 (One or more answers) Which of the following actinide ions are pin-shaped?

    A) An2+ 
    B) An3+ 
    C) An4+ 
    D) AnO2+ 
    E) AnO22+ 

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Question # 20 (One answer) Which one of the following Pu isotopes decays to Am?

    A) 238Pu
    B) 239Pu
    C) 240Pu
    D) 241Pu
    E) 242Pu

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(Updated 2001-08-24)