
Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry self-test # 18

Comprises Chapter 18

This is a self grading test of your knowledge. It consists of 20 randomly chosen questions with single or multiple answers. The questions with single answers have round buttons and the questions with perhaps more than one correct answer have square buttons. Answer the questions by clicking on the corresponding button in the list of alternative answers. On questions with a single answer (round buttons to click on), it is only possible to mark one of the alternative answers as correct.
Grading of the completed test is automatic when you click on the button marked "GRADE MY ANSWERS" at the end of the test.
Correct answers can be read by clicking on the button having the same number as the question. You find these buttons at the end of the test. You can also refresh your memory first by jumping directly to the answer buttons and click on them to get answers and read relevant parts of the book before doing this test.
On the questions with one or more possible answers (squares to click on) only the first click on each button is recorded as an answer. Hence you must click on the reset button below the question before you can change the original answer(s). Failure to do this will probably make the answers on this question regarded as wrong in the grading process.
Please observe that your teacher may require a deeper understanding of the treated subject than reflected by this test. In case you have any valuable comments or questions regarding this self-test, explain them in an e-mail to: jol@nc.chalmers.se

Question # 1 (One answer) An genetic radiation damage can be observed

    A) immediately after the irradiation
    B) through its late latent effects
    C) through the development of cancer
    D) in new generations of individuals
    E) when the radiations sickness has subsided

Question # 2 (One answer) A radiation damage which only affects the irradiated individual is called

    A) Atypical
    B) Genetic
    C) Internal
    D) Political
    E) Somatic

Question # 3 (One answer) No observable effect from a momentary irradiation of the hands can be expected after a radiation dos smaller than

    A) 0.002 Gy
    B) 0.02 Gy
    C) 0.2 Gy
    D) 2 Gy
    E) 20 Gy

Question # 4 (One answer) A special type of damage to the DNA molecule may cause permanent error in the function of the molecule. This is called

    A) Apoptos
    B) Double strand break
    C) Single strand break
    D) Knock out
    E) Lethal break

Question # 5 (One answer) Many poisonous chemical substances have been produced in the body when a lethal dose has been received. Which of the following chemicals is produced in the largest amount?

    A) Ammonium hydroxide
    B) Ozone
    C) Hydrogen sulphide
    D) Hydrochloric acid
    E) Hydrogen peroxide

Question # 6 (One or more answers) Which of the following factors are known to influence the biological effect of a given radiation dose (number of Gy) absorbed in the whole body? The

    A) dose rate
    B) radiation shielding
    C) distance to the source
    D) radiation type
    E) dosimeter type used

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Question # 7 (Answer in Tabular form) In case of internal irradiation from radionuclides in the body, the danger of the radiation can be described by a radiation weighing factor, wR. Mark the radiation weighing factor which corresponds to each type of radiation in the Table below.

Radiation type 1 5 10 20
Beta & gamma radiation
Slow neutrons
Fast neutrons

Question # 8 (One answer) The effectiveness of a radiation protection agent is normally evaluated in terms of a

    A) radiation resistor
    B) dose reduction factor
    C) hypoxic effect
    D) dose fractionation factor
    E) stochastic factor

Question # 9 (One answer) The life cycle of the cell is commonly divided into phases. How many are these?

    A) 1
    B) 2
    C) 3
    D) 4
    E) 5

Question # 10 (One or more answers) Which of the following radiation types are dangerous in an external irradiation of the hands?

    A) Alpha particles
    B) Beta radiation
    C) Gamma radiation
    D) Neutrons
    E) X-rays

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Question # 11 (One answer) The recommended yearly limit for oral intake of a radionuclide is called the ALI value for ingestion. This is expressed in

    A) Alara
    B) Bq
    C) Gy
    D) J/kg
    E) Sv/year

Question # 12 (One answer) The cell normally contains substances which have an ability to limit the harmful effects of radiation. These are called

    A) moderate scavengers
    B) chromosomes
    C) radical scavengers
    D) nucleosomes
    E) phaser traps

Question # 13 (One answer) The nucleotides in DNA are grouped in triplets called

    A) brunettes
    B) codons
    C) genomes
    D) histologists
    E) klingons

Question # 14 (One or more answers) A radiomimetic substance

    A) has biological effects that are like those from radiation
    B) can simulate the decay of a short-lived radionuclide
    C) glows normally in the dark
    D) emits virtual photons in the UV range when oxidized
    E) emits short bursts of radio waves during de-excitation

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Question # 15 (One answer) The sum of all biological effects on the body from various kinds of radiation is expressed in a dose concept called

    A) biological dose integral
    B) dose effectivity equivalent
    C) equivalent dose
    D) equivalent dose effect
    E) effective equivalent dose

Question # 16 (One answer) The unit for equivalent dose in the SI-system is

    A) Becquerel
    B) Gray
    C) Sievert
    D) X-unit
    E) Zimen

Question # 17 (Answers in Tabular form) In summing the equivalent doses received by single organs a series of tissue weighing factors, wT, are used. Mark in the Table below which organ (or group of organs) has a given value of wT.

Organ 0.01 0.05 0.12 0.20
Bone marrow
Bone surface

Question # 18 (One answer) The target theory for radiation sensitivity is built on the assumption that

    A) all cells have the same size
    B) the cell nucleus only contains water
    C) there is a special radiation-sensitive molecule
    D) enzymes are not sensitive to radiation doses
    E) viruses are extremely sensitive to radiation doses

Question # 19 (One or more answers) Limiting values for the contamination of surfaces by radionuclides in so called "clean" areas are for a surface of 100 cm2

    A) 0.02 Bq/cm2 for alpha particles
    B) 0.04 Bq/cm2 for alpha particles
    C) 0.04 Bq/cm2 for beta particles
    D) 0.08 Bq/cm2 for gamma radiation
    E) 0.04 Bq/cm2 for 238U

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Question # 20 (Answers in Tabular form) The average dose in the UK is 2.2 mSv/year. This is due to various sources. Mark in the Table below the relative contribution (in % of the yearly total) from the sources given in the Table.

Origin ~ 10% ~ 12% ~ 14% ~ 47%
Medical sources
Cosmic radiation
Ground and buildings

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(Updated 2001-08-25)